Richard Hanania Profile picture
President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Apr 6, 2021, 5 tweets

"Killing with drones produces queer moments of disorientation. Drawing on queer phenomenology, I show how militarized masculinities function as spatiotemporal landmarks that give killing in war its 'orientation'." Award winning research.…

Also an expert in "Petro-Masculinity." Must stand up to the "king of petro-masculinity," Charles Koch, and shirtless Putin swinging his oil barrels around making solar energy look gay.

Petro-masculinity "appreciates the historic role of fossil fuel systems in buttressing white patriarchal rule." "Petro masculinists" see the earth as feminine, punish her with "fossil violence". Proud Boys don't masturbate, which is also petro-masculinity.…

The above paper on Proud Boys not masturbating because of petro-masculinity is in the 99th percentile of attention for academic papers.…

Arnold Schwarzenegger engaged in Petro-Masculinity when he starred in Pumping Iron. But then when he become governor he adopted "hybrid masculinity" as "an ecomodernist champion of fuel cells and greenwashed Hummers."

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