tori ✦ @ hiatus (formerly imagitori) Profile picture
hi!~ i'm tori - she/her ✷ visual development artist, designer & internet person

Apr 6, 2021, 12 tweets


please read if you're unaware of the COVID-19 situation in Brazil, RTs appreciated ↓

we're currently facing the worst moment of the pandemic to date. our healthcare system has reached full capacity in all states, with 6,300 people waiting for an ICU bed - we're set up to surpass the US in total deaths next month even though our population is roughly 35% smaller.

medicine required for emergency intubations are at critical level, due to Jair Bolsonaro's gross mishandling of the pandemic (more on this later). there's a possibility of a meteoric rise on deaths due to lack of the required treatment for the ill + exhaustion of medical (+)

personnel. the 7-day average of deaths has reached 4K/day, a number that might be disputed due to underreporting - some estimates set the number of deaths at 5K/day. (this graph is already outdated)

the federal goverment, along with a few governors who remain loyal to the President, have refused to stablish national guidelines for COVID-19 prevention

they have disincentivized the use of masks, paraded lackluster treatments for the virus (i.e. hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) and encouraged reckless gatherings in spite of the current death toll

the President has boycotted every single attempt to control COVID-19 due to his personal belief in a "natural herd immunity by exposure" - he's actively trying to get as many of us infected as possible, regardless of how many may die and how the virus might mutate. (+)

in addition to that, the crisis is being used to mask his administration's failure in handling economic and social matters. as long as the Coronavirus is uncontrolled, he'll be able to use it as political leverage to justify his reckless, nauseating attempt at being President

we're facing an agonizingly slow vaccination campaign whilst the infection rate skyrockets, which can lead to even more COVID-19 mutations - some can spread more easily and might even escape vaccine immunity. (+)

Bolsonaro rejected countless offers by the likes of Pfizer and Butantan last year, some of which went completely unanswered - as a result, our vaccination campaign is set to reach all adults by 2024 in an optimistic scenario

as of now, Brazil's administration stands as a threat not only to Brazilians, but to the international fight against COVID-19 as well. Bolsonaro is a genocidal maniac and we need to spread awareness about what's going on. enough is enough.


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