Eric Escobar Profile picture
Principal Scientist in Biotech, PhD, tweeting about the three 'C's: COVID-19, Credit (Housing in REBGV), and Climate Change. Views are my own.

Apr 7, 2021, 12 tweets

1. #COVID19BC cases continue to rise to unprecedented levels 🧵

2. The rise is on most age levels, except the older demographics, a sign that the vaccines are working! (And that we are not vaccinating fast enough)

3. Particularly concerning is the rise in the school-aged demographic in Vancouver Coastal (note that the y-axes are different)

4. The Harvard Global Health Institute recommends closing school once the number of new cases per day exceeds 25 per 100k.…

5. Vancouver Coastal and Fraser have now exceeded this threshold.

6. Hospitalizations are rising in BC.

7. And particularly we have now reached a new record number of people in the ICU.

8. This time it seems to be younger people filling up the ICUs…

9. Bringing some of our local hospitals to dire conditions.…

10. Particularly concerning is the rise in the Variants of Concern, which will likely continue to increase exponentially our case numbers.

11. Today we have 877 cases of P.1, which continues to almost triple every week.

It is important to pivot and change strategy. @DFisman discussed many ideas here.…

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