Santiago Profile picture
I teach hard-core Machine Learning at YouTube:

Apr 7, 2021, 10 tweets

Today is #GumroadDay, so let's celebrate with style!

$5 for "How to get started with machine learning" TODAY ONLY!

You can kick off your machine learning career for less than the price of a Starbucks, but this one you can return if you don't like it!

This is working. #GumroadDay is nuts!

Thanks to everyone that has supported me with this course!

Money to feed the family is what affords me the time to post content and focus on helping people with machine learning.

Even if you aren't buying this, like/retweet for visibility!

Thank you * 1,000!

911. Help!


84 copies sold today. 117 sold this month.



After some feedback, I added a Table of Contents to the machine learning course:

I have a real shot at $1,000 today!

(Holy shit, thanks everyone!)

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