Elvisha Dhamala Profile picture
Asst Prof @zhhresearch @northwellhealth | Previously @yale @weillcornell @mcgillu | 🇨🇦🇳🇵| Tweets are mine.

Apr 8, 2021, 9 tweets

Chapter 2 of my dissertation is out now!
In this study, we explored how functional and structural connectivity relate to individual cognitive abilities. 1/7



First, we show that functional connectivity is more predictive of cognitive abilities than structural connectivity, and integrating the two does not significantly increase the explained variance. 2/7

Next, we demonstrate that the choice of parcellation, and potentially how that parcellation is derived, can influence the explained variance. 3/7

Finally, we find the functional and structural connections that predict cognitive abilities are unique from one another at both a regional level and a network level. 4/7

Specifically, stronger functional connections between visual, somatomotor, dorsal/ventral attention, frontoparietal, and cerebellar networks, and within dorsal attention and frontoparietal networks predicts higher cognitive abilities. 5/7

Meanwhile, stronger structural connections between dorsal attention and frontoparietal networks, dorsal attention and visual networks, and limbic and subcortical networks predict higher cognitive abilities. 6/7

Altogether, this suggests functional and structural connections have unique relationships with cognition, and both modalities should be studied to understand the neural correlates of cognition. 7/7

In case you need any more reasons to read it, Reviewer 2 also thought it was a great paper! 😘

In the past two years, I've presented some version of this work to almost every single person who would listen. It's come a loooong way from the original version, so thank you to everyone (you know who you are!) who provided feedback along the way. 💙

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