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Apr 8, 2021, 6 tweets

As Temples - the soul of Tamil culture – suffocate under government control, people of Tamil Nadu express their pain and tell us how despite wanting to take care of the temples and their presiding deities, the rules and regulations in place deny them that privilege.

It’s very painful to see that even after 74 years of independence the temples of India are still under government control and they’re not concerned as they say they have no money to perform a pooja a day. They’re suffocating the temples.

12,000 temples in the state are in a bad shape. Around 34,000 temples have a revenue of less than ₹10,000 a month. It’s time the temples come out of the clutches of the government.

Sadhguru narrates the heartrending story of the devotees of the glorious Ranganathaswamy Temple in Tiruchinapalli who were slaughtered by invading forces of Ghiyasuddin Tughlak, to elucidate how devotees held temples of Tamil Nadu above their own lives and wellbeing.

Sadhguru visits the ancient Lepakshi Temple in Andhra Pradesh, which was built by his forefathers. He talks about the sad state of this powerfully consecrated temple and others in South India – the reason why we must free temples of government control.

Join the drive to free temples of India from government control and save these power houses of the nation, save and preserve the heritage.

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