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Apr 8, 2021, 8 tweets

Zulfikar Ali from Bengal became famous overnight when his picture where he’s whispering something in PM Modi’s ear went viral on social media. Listen to what this young Muslim has to say about his experience with the Hon’ble Prime Minister Modi 😊🙏🏽

In continuation....

Hats Off....

He’s so enamoured by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Modi that he can’t stop praising him and rightly so...there’s nobody like him and that’s for sure. May he live long and live strong. The country needs this Messiah 👍🏽😊🙏🏽

Watch the entire thread, you’ll like what this young man says.

I work for BJP and I know how well they treat us, there’s no difference at all and every religion is respected. He is like God to me said Zulfikar.

He has an advice for the Modi haters, he says be neutral, don’t abuse him don’t praise him, just wait and see what he does for you, for the nation. He’s God to me, my idol...everything.

This is by far one of the best videos I’ve seen in recent days. The man says that another wish I have is that I go across the border & shoot the Pakistani Muslims who Rape & kill our daughter’s, sister’s and mother’s.
After the surgical strike he became a die hard Modi supporter.

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