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Apr 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Ryan Harper, VP of the teacher's bargaining unit, along with the president of OSSTF wrote this letter, lobbying Dr Loh to move schools to virtual learning.

Unfortunately, they were successful.

Let's explore how/why this happened.

OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Systems) is the pension plan for most OSSTF and ETFO members of DECE/ESP/PSP locals.

OMERS just happens to own a little company called lifelabs.

In partnership with the ministry of education, Lifelabs is performing and processing asymptomatic testing in Ontario's schools.

Are school unions using our children as bargaining chips?

I'm all for smaller class sizes but at what cost?

Other issues:
▫️A potential conflict of interest - Are teacher's pensions benefiting from Lifelabs' success?

▫️Because Lifelabs is not a provincial lab, we don't know what CT value or testing protocol they use.

Screenshot from 2017…

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