liz gerard Profile picture
Long in tooth and sometimes claw, old poacher turns gamekeeper to watch the Press. EU citizen

Apr 10, 2021, 7 tweets

Always a challenge to strike the right note on the front with a story like #Philip. Not least the choice of picture - the way most think of him or a man in his prime?
ICYMI a few thoughts on today's offering.
First, it's not about *you* and *your* grief.

Yes, you want to tell people what's inside. But try to dial down the self-promotion. A "magical" supplement? And "historic *144* pages? That screams "don't buy me"
...and do we need to be told about a Monday supplement on today's front page?

It's good to recognise that not *all* your readers may be completely obsessed by the royals. They might like to know you're offering something else.
There are ways to do it....and, perhaps, ways not to do it...

This has to be the most incongruous p1 picture of the day...

The best advice is keep it clean. Maybe like this...


The Independent, though now online only, still produces a "front page". And today's is good...


But, for my money, easily the best of the day is @telegraph. Striking picture on black background; no headline, so no fawning or mawkishness; tasteful guide to what's inside at the bottom. Great job!
Happy Saturday everyone...

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