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Apr 10, 2021, 5 tweets

In the trendy Koukaki district, a discus throw from the Acropolis in Athens, owners of restaurants that have survived the virus lockdown are trying to keep themselves occupied as the weather and the noises from government improve

Some five months after the Greek government ordered a restaurant shutdown in November as coronavirus cases began to increase, operators and their staff have been burning up both their financial and psychological reserves

"We have borrowed money and spend less. We have learned to live on little since the economic crisis," says Koukaki restaurant owner Venetia Avgerinou, referring to the ten-year debt crisis Greece has just exited

The cook, Florentia Psimadis, has had to survive on a monthly allowance of 534 euros ($628), while her husband was already unemployed

Faced with growing lockdown fatigue but buoyed by improving weather and increasing Covid-19 vaccinations, the government now says the sector can reopen next month, but only for service outdoors

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