Garry Tan Profile picture
President & CEO @ycombinator —Founder @Initialized—designer/engineer who helps founders—YouTuber—San Francisco Democrat accelerating the boom loop—e/acc

Apr 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Wow the YouTube comment scammers are working hardcore tonight on my YouTube channel. I assure you, do not trust Mariana Amber just as you should not trust YouTube comments for financial advice. Good god.

Do not trust Brian Allen. This person is a scam artist.

It’s whack a mole too. Seems like they are making hundreds of accounts like this.

This is fixable with a few if statements.

This one is creative, they created a brand new avatar image for me. 🤔

This is truly the laziest part of the YouTube Studio app and most embarrassing. Right, hide future comments. Don’t give me a way to mass delete hundreds of the spam comments they’ve already posted.

Look at this astonishingly elaborate scam thread with multiple accounts. Ends with “thanks for the credible information.”


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