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Brāhmaṇa | Hindu, Conservative, Traditionalist | Pashubali Supporter | @GovardhanMath @FDikhana @PoliticoNeo https://t.co/3QQsNSAmw4

Apr 12, 2021, 13 tweets

In one instance in the Parliament, BRA says he shall be the first person to burn the Constitution, suggesting perhaps his role in the making of the Constitution.

In another occasion in the parliament, BRA says "with a certain amount of pride" that "Constitution is a wonderful document"! What explains this abrupt changes in his opinion? Doesn't it show a man who switches positions according to his convenience and whims?

Earlier, BRA had given his arguments why we do not need any Constituent Assembly in the first place. This is what he said in the All India Scheduled Class Federation in Bombay on 6 May, 1945, regarding the unnecessity of a new Constitution:

He continues with his reasons for not wanting a constituent assembly to frame a new constitution. This gives a good idea to his assessment of fellow Indians.

In the resolution passed in the conference, BRA opposed the very idea of formation of a Constituent Assembly. It is to be noted that up even in the year 1946, when the Constituent Assembly was formed, he was mollycoddling British and opposing any idea of self-rule by Indians.

Even a fortnight before the constituent assembly was to start its first session, BRA was thinking of boycotting it and joining the Muslim League!

It is important to remember what he had proposed regarding future administration of India in an earlier conference. His idea of how reservations should be there in administrative and all other spheres of society. It would without a doubt irreversibly fracture the Hindu society:

BRA's message to Muslims. His proposal for a "United India" was more beneficial to Muslims, he says, with more representation, and better benefits! Nothing much has changed in this mentality in the last 70 years of trying to buy peace with our enemies by giving more benefits.

With respect to Hindus, BRA has a very different tone and tenor, it is of contempt and derision. The same mentality we can see in today's Bheems, with so much entitlement of asking for gibs and reservations, and utter contempt towards Hinduism.

It was all about getting overwhelming rights to the scheduled castes, even going to extent to reservations exceeding their share of the population, laws similar to atrocity act we have now, etc. Today's Indian government is that sense, following BRA's ideals to the hilt!

Check this out - state owned farms, industries, insurance! BRA had delusional ideas to convert India into a even bigger socialist shithole than we are now with his "State Socialism", which he wanted in the Constitution itself! He wanted collective farming funded by the state!

Only a person who had no experience in running either a farm or an industry would make such proposals! And how would the state fund the industries and farms? Because the state had insurance nationalized, said BRA!🤡
Thankfully, none of his proposals were considered!

A brilliant summary, of a man who actually had virtually zero contribution in making the constitution, and how he's today hailed as the father of the constitution! This opportunist shitbag should only be remembered for his hatred toward Hindus and as a loyal dog of his masters.

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