Marko Denic Profile picture
Software engineer.

Apr 12, 2021, 8 tweets

JavaScript tips you won't see in most tutorials.


1. "Go back" button

Use the `history.back()` to create a “Go Back” button.

2. Numbers separators

To improve readability for numbers, you can use underscores as separators:

3. Run event listener only once

If you want to add an event listener but have it run only once, you can use the ` once` option:

4. You can wrap your console.log() arguments with curly brackets to see the variable names.

5. Get min/max value from an array

You can use `Math.min()` or `Math.max()` combined with the spread operator to find the minimum or maximum value in an array.

6. Copy to clipboard

You can use the `Clipboard` API to create the “Copy to clipboard” functionality:

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P.S. You can find a few more tips there.…

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