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Apr 12, 2021, 14 tweets

Open Source Toolkit by @allthecitizens

Believing investigative journalism is healthy for democracy, we're posting a series of toolkit links we think are vital for investigating corruption.

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#1/50 is @ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks database

#2/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @wikileaks. Please RT!

The notorious publisher of Hilary Clinton’s emails and US military cover-ups still regularly releases datasets of restricted official materials for the scrutiny of citizens everywhere:

#3/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @DDoSecret

DDoSecrets publishes info in the public interest, like foreign investments in Myanmar linked to the displacement and genocide of the Rohingya, and social media sites linked to the attempted US coup.

@DDoSecret #4/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @_IntelligenceX

Intelligence X is a European darknet/data leak search engine containing over 34.5 billion records - which is easily searchable (and doesn’t sell your data):

@DDoSecret @_IntelligenceX #5/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @dataportals

For an even more extensive list of databases than this one, check out which lists around 600 regional and national data portals from across the globe

@DDoSecret @_IntelligenceX @dataportals #6/50 of our daily #ToolsForCitizens is Icarus Flights by @C4ADS

If you’re looking to track the illicit goods or ill-gotten gains of corrupt officials & organised criminals then may be just the tool for you. Free for journalists but paid for everyone else

#7/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is G-Info by @UK_CAA. Please RT!

Similar to yesterday’s resource, G-Info is a free-to-use aircraft register that allows you to search for aircrafts with as little as the name of the registered owner at your

#8/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @HMLandRegistry. Please RT!

Searching for the owner of that enormous mansion? Tracking an oligarch? No source is more reliable than the HM Land Registry. You have to purchase the details, usually only a few £s:

@HMLandRegistry #9/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @Debretts

If you’re looking to do a bit of digging on the royals, a good place to start is Debretts line of succession, which also includes the birthdays, photos and dating histories of those in line to the throne:…

#10/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is the 500 Wealth Managers Indices created by @SpearsMagazine

If you’re looking for a handbook on high society and how the elite spend their cash, check out the wealth managers Spear’s recommend to their clientele:

#11/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is the Address Book created by @Tatlermagazine

Designed as a "lifestyle guide for high net worth individuals seeking the very best of everything”, when used in reverse it acts as a useful database for investigators…

@Tatlermagazine #12/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is @mpinterests

Thanks to open data legislation, MPs are required to state all the company boards they sit on, expenses they have claimed, and every financial “gift” they receive, from dinners to duck houses.

#18/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is The Red Notices List by @INTERPOL_HQ which contains the names of wanted fugitives and their charges. A good list to have to hand!…

#19/50 of our daily #OpenSourceToolkit is the database of Local Authority Revenue Expenditure and Financing @mhclg

Find who won public contracts in local areas. This database shows which cronies your local MP has seen fit to bestow your tax money upon…

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