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SFECI is the voice of SF's organized electrical workers, the contractors that employ them, and the communities in which they live, work, and play.

Apr 12, 2021, 8 tweets

Hardhats off to @JohnKingSFChron for a thorough column that takes the shine off the modular industry's relentless sales pitch and hunt for public dollars. sfchronicle.com/local/article/…

Modular boosters tout theoretical costs savings that more often than not don't actually appear once the project comes face to face with the real world.

Part of the sales pitch is ease and speed, both of which are incredibly appealing. But those quickly evaporate once inevitable manufacturing errors come into the mix.

What kind of manufacturing errors you ask? In March 2021 UA Local 38 sent a letter to @SFMayorsOffice & the @sfbos detailing the litany of problems uncovered at the 833 Bryant Street project that modular boosters have been crowing about. Letter here: sflaborcouncil.org/wp-content/upl…

Not only is there reason to believe that there are additional defects with the project but that these same problems extend to the other modular affordable projects being pursued by the City.

The reason for both the defects & promised savings is fairly straightforward. Modular manufacturing is an outsourcing scheme based on substandard construction, deskilling, and wages between 1/3 and 1/2 of those building projects in the field. Oh, and jobsite safety workarounds.

In short, swapping site built for modular hollows out SF's construction industry, eliminates local hiring & small contracting opportunities, while using public funds to put low income & working class people into substandard and potentially unsafe housing.

John King's article ends on a cautionary note but its not just money that we risk losing.

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