Julio Rosas Profile picture
U.S. Marine, National Correspondent @theblaze, @ManhattanInst Logos Fellow. Author: "Fiery But Mostly Peaceful" Subscribe to link in bio.

Apr 13, 2021, 9 tweets

On the ground in Brooklyn Center, MN for @townhallcom. Rioters are throwing projectiles and shooting fireworks at police guarding the city’s police building. Police are firing tear gas and flashbangs. Video to come.

This is what the back and forth between the rioters and police looks like in Brooklyn Center, MN.

Because officers were occupied with guarding the Brooklyn Center police building, stores nearby, like this Dollar Tree, was ransacked by looters.

Some Brooklyn Center stores are being protected by civilians with firearms. The looters have stayed away from these places.

MN State Troopers are pushing the rioters away from the Brooklyn Center police building. Arrests are being made.

MN State Troopers used crowd control munitions after getting into a scuffle while trying to arrest some rioters.

From earlier in the night: Police in Brooklyn Center, MN using flashbangs and pepper balls to push rioters away from the fence.

Smoked poured out of the ransacked Dollar Tree while police move in to clear the crowd from the parking lot.

🚨🚨🚨: Multiple gunshots nearby in Brooklyn Center, MN

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