Myanmar Revolution 2021 Profile picture
Mainly Tweet About Crimes Done by Junta in Myanmar.

Apr 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Early in the morning, Thingyan Strike at #Mogaung ended successfully.

No-human #AtarOo Strike at Pre-Thingyan day in #Taungoo.Instead of celebrating Thingyan happily, we have to celebrate the revolution of Thingyan due to the Military Coup.

UNGOVERNABLE #ATarOo Strike in #Bago at Pre-Thingyan day.

Protesters march #ATarOo Strike in Thapyegone, #Naypyidaw, on the eve of the anti-military Thingyan.

Early morning #ATarOo dawn strike at #Mingaladon Tsp, Yangon.

A pre-Thingyan strike by young people in #Kalaw.

This morning, a group of young people staged a bloody education campaign under the Military coup as a strike on a street in #Taunggyi.

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