Sergio Olmos Profile picture
Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Apr 13, 2021, 17 tweets

There around 200 protesters, many of them in “black bloc”, outside the sheriffs office in SE Portland

Their calling for the abolishment of police

Police are firing impact munitions, a protestor holds out an impact round he picked up from the floor

Abolition protestors chant “Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground”

police come out to inspect multiple windows broken by protestors

This has not been declared an unlawful assembly

Police tell protestors not to come onto the property

This story is developing…

Police throw a flashbang at protesters.

Protestors have thrown fireworks back

Protestors are entering the parking lot and breaking windows.

Police rush out to clear the parking lot, protestors are pushed back onto the street.

No arrests, no unlawful assembly. Police use two Smoke canisters.

Protestors stuff a police smoke canister inside an ornament from the sheriffs building and throw it back at the police line

Portland police have declared an unlawful assembly

Police say a dispersal is coming

Riot declared

Police disperse protestors out of the area

Short standoff between each push

Police Bull rush protestors, pushing them to the ground and bear macing them

Police officer aims impact gun towards abolition protesters at close range

I am out Southeast portland.

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