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Human rights and technology | Labour rights | ex-@edri | ex @EURightsAgency | Bio and contact: https://t.co/JQFa70TvQ4 | Photography: https://t.co/JRv6megnDI |

Apr 13, 2021, 7 tweets

Over the weekend, I finished "Privacy is Power", a fantastic book by @CarissaVeliz . Some highlights here on this thread (TL; DR : read it)

The book is a very accessible book (200 pages) in plain language on why privacy is about keeping certain intimate things for yourself so we can "unwind". It also tells how our lives have become the "raw material of the surveillance economy", as Zuboff also put it

We learn about data vultures such as intelligence agencies with unrestrained powers, but also about companies. Both public and private surveillance practices are carefully explained. From the CIA and MI5 to your car app or your smart TV.

You'll learn a bit of history ("how we got here") to get the basics of modern day surveillance: XKEYSCORE, PRISM, Palantir and Amazon Ring in one go

More important is the central section "privacy is power". Power imbalances are enhanced by surveillance capitalism. Privacy is a collective issue, not individual. You won't save the planet by recycling or keep your privacy by using encryption. This is a collective struggle

The need to "pull the plug" on entire industries (she calls for a ban on personalised ads), implementing fiduciary duties on those collecting our data and minimising and deleting your data could be solutions to move in the right direction

Finally, good tips to go (use @signalapp , use alternative email providers as @TutanotaTeam or @ProtonMail ...) are good ways to give people a hook and get something done right away. Great work Carissa! Get the book at your local store!

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