Adrian Zenz Profile picture
Director & Senior Fellow in China Studies at @VoCommunism. Researches Xinjiang & Tibet. Author of

Apr 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Breaking: New evidence provided by me to Bloomberg implicates three of the world's largest polysilicon makers in Xinjiang's coercive labor transfer program - including some of the most blatant evidence I have seen to date:

A corporate official from TBEA, parent company of Xinte, is stationed in a village and participates directly in village-based work teams that go door-to-door, entering Uyghur households to recruit them into labor transfers.

TBEA also holds mass inter-ethnic weddings (photo). /2

A batch of Uyghur laborers from Qira County is shown swearing the oath of allegiance to the Communist Party, about to be transferred to several companies, including East Hope, a major polysilicon producer. "Don't cause trouble, hard" they are told before being sent off./3

GCL received a batch of workers from what is known to be the some of the most coercive form of labor transfer: centralized labor training and transfer for southern Xinjiang's poor households. /4

GCL also held political training sessions, training staff to be at the forefront of the state's poverty alleviation efforts, to "educate and settle" workers from southern Xinjiang in the "battle against poverty". Some of the language used is akin to that used in re-education./5

The Bloomberg article cites only about 20% of the evidence that @CherylYuuu and I uncovered on these corporations.

The evidence we found is new, and dovetails with research done by Horizon Advisory. /6

Bloomberg reporters were greeted by armed officers with automatic weapons as soon as they stepped off the plane in Urumqi.

They tried to visit some of the polysilicon factories, but were followed, harassed and rebuffed. They saw workers walking to work from dormitories./7

As the article puts it: "Embrace the green future, and you have no way of knowing if you are purchasing products made by forced labor". /END

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