Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

Apr 14, 2021, 8 tweets

Fewer than 600 million vaccine doses have been administered around the world (population ~8 billion);

75% of those in just 10 mostly high-income countries;

Some 130 countries containing 2.5 billion people have yet to administer a single dose.…

Some may be tempted to say: well, it will just take time...

But a longer pandemic means:

⬛️ more death;

⬛️ more economic disruption;

⬛️ more chance for more dangerous variants to emerge.

But a longer pandemic was not somehow inevitable.

It was a deliberate policy choice.

By blocking wider production of vaccines worldwide at the WTO, the EU, UK, US & others have knowingly decided to prolong the pandemic.

They know the consequences.…

How did we get here?

Did rich governments simply prioritise drug companies' profits over human lives?

Did their politicians think all they had to do to survive politically was get vaccines to their own country?

This NYT piece gives a good overview:

Last month, President @vonderleyen suggested the EU might change its disastrous policy, saying she was “not ruling out” going so far as to waive intellectual property rights on vaccines:…

Many EU lawmakers are hoping she will:…

In the US, the Biden administration also signalled last month that it might move away from this deadly policy:…

It still seems to be under consideration:…

The world "cannot allow a handful of actors to dictate the terms or the timeframe for ending the pandemic. … The longer we allow billions of people to go unvaccinated, the greater the possibility new variants will develop vaccine resistance." - WHO chief…

"Biden’s trade chief met with drugmakers and with groups seeking a waiver for sections of the World Trade Organization’s intellectual-property rules to improve vaccine access for poorer nations."…

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