Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

Apr 14, 2021, 8 tweets

"There are many steps that can be taken to ramp up vaccine production and broaden distribution. These include… temporarily waiving intellectual property barriers..."

February 2021

World leaders have wasted 2 months since then...…

"this is not the beginning of the end; it is only the beginning of an endless wait: There aren’t enough vaccines to go around in the richest countries, let alone the poorest ones."

December 2020

World leaders have wasted 4 months since then...…

"Governments should support India and South Africa’s proposal to waive some aspects of global intellectual property (IP) rules to enable large-scale manufacturing" - @hrw

October 2020

World leaders have wasted 6 months since then...…

European Citizens' Initiative registered to, "Ensure that intellectual property rights, including patents, do not hamper the accessibility or availability of any future COVID-19 vaccine or treatment;"

World leaders have wasted 8 months since then...…

"we need as many factories producing as fast as possible — without the need to ask permission from large pharmaceutical corps… Ensure… human rights held above property rights" - @Oxfam

June 2020

World leaders have wasted 10 months since then...…

"Govts & intnl partners must unite around global guarantee which ensures that, when a safe & effective vaccine is developed, it is produced rapidly at scale & made available for all people…"

May 2020

World leaders have wasted 11 months since then...…

This thread is for those who say, "oh, but even if the EU, UK and US stopped blocking wider production & other sites started preparing to produce vaccines today, it would take months for them to bring doses online."

We're wasting time. Every day is more deaths.

"We must explore every option for increasing production [of vaccines], including voluntary licenses, technology pools, the use of TRIPS flexibilities & the waiver of certain intellectual property provisions." - WHO chief

April 2021…

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