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Apr 14, 2021, 11 tweets

The pro-intervention crowd is not happy about Biden's coming announcement on Afghanistan. Here's The Washington Post alone. Thread.

Congrats to al-Qaida and the IRGC! I care more about if FDD wins, and they're on quite the losing streak.

But women! Why are women always a justification to keep a war going but never to start one? They draw you in with talk of scary threats, keep you in through feminist guilt.

Tom Nichols wishes this country was manly enough to lose 40,000 men in Afghanistan like in Korea, but it’s not so he’s very disappointed in Americans and thinks they might as well go home.

Something honorable about Liz Cheney's whole career being about continuing forever wars because otherwise she'd have to admit her father's time in office ended up killing a lot of people for no benefit to humanity. Family loyalty, real conservatism.

No, you need more humility. I've been right on the foolishness of Afghanistan and everything else we've done in the Muslim world in the last 20 years.

McConnell unhappy.

Rubio not interested in Afghanistan, still worrying about the threat from Cuba.

Democratic Party leaders have adopted the talking points of the anti-war crowd. New Middle East ground wars are over for now. Next step in the region should be moving out of Iraq and Syria.

Lindsey Graham "heartbroken," begs Biden to stay in Afghanistan, wishes McCain was still alive because he would know what to do.…

Ah the tears of Generals are the sweetest tears of all.

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