Santiago Profile picture
Computer scientist and writer. I teach hard-core Machine Learning at YouTube:

Apr 14, 2021, 7 tweets

This is a coffee from Starbucks. It costs $5.49.

You drink it in 5 minutes, and it's gone forever. And if you don't like it? Well, there's nothing you can do about that.

I have two deals for you that are much better than this. Read on.

Deal 1 is the story of how I built my audience from 0 to 30,000 followers.

You can do the same, and I'll show you every trick and strategy that I followed.

And it's $5 only for the next 12 hours. The price goes back to $20 right after that.


Deal 2 is even better! A few days ago, I launched a private community where I'm sharing my journey to 100,000 followers.

It's a small group right now with full access to every strategy, tip, and experiment that I'm running.

A Slack channel, weekly videos, a journal, and more.

This is the first time I announce this, and the early bird price is $5/mo for the first 20 members (we are 9 already.)

After that, the price will double. I want to ensure I can dedicate one-on-one time to every member.



• $5 only for 12 hours: $20 after that.

• $5/mo for the next 11 people: $10/mo after that.

half-time. 6 more hours to go.

30 minutes

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