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I hunt fake history and correct it, but also post amazing real history stuff. Rude, obscene, vulgar, racist people who can't act like grown-ups get blocked.

Apr 14, 2021, 7 tweets

Remember fellow time travellers, make sure no pottery painting artist spots you when you're working on your laptop back in the past!

Disclaimer; he's writing on a wax tablet with a stylus, ye eejit.

Douris cup, c.480BC. Berlin, Antikenmuseen

Here's a replica, they're a lot of fun to use, I got one somewhere in the attic, you can write, draw and easily erase your work again.

If you're a teacher, work in a museum or are just an ambitious and/or desperate parent, these are relatively easy to make and kids love them, also great excuse to teach them about literacy perhaps being more common than was long thought and about... ONFIM!!

Writing on bark is also fun to do and yes, I'm only adding this to once more lure you to my thread about lovely Onfim, the Medieval kid who left us his homework;

And just because I'm on a roll, here's another great example, 2000 year old homework that also shows you that with different wax and a good background it becomes easier to read;

These are from the 6th century, yes the "dark ages", when there was no writing or education or any advancement... cough cough.
Found in an Irish bog.

Here are instructions on how to make an easy cardboard wax writing tablet;

Here's a video of somebody doing it more professionally;

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