Andrew Stroehlein Profile picture
No longer active on X. Find me here: European Media & Editorial Director, Human Rights Watch.

Apr 15, 2021, 5 tweets

I see some people tweeting about getting vaccinated or enjoying something for the first time again after lockdowns.

Could I suggest a bit of care with such tweets, please?

Don't forget the billions of people who are not so lucky, many of whom won't see a jab for years.

It's fine to express joy and relief, of course, but maybe just also spare a thought (and a tweet) for the vast majority of people in the world who have been utterly screwed over by the policy of the EU, UK, US & other rich governments to block wider vaccine production globally.

If you're in the EU, share this article about how the EU is blocking wider vaccine production globally:…

And sign & share this official European Citizens' Initiative to force leaders to act:

If you are in the US, share this new letter to Biden from over 170 former heads of state & government and Nobel laureates calling on him to urgently back a WTO proposal to waive intellectual property rules and share Covid vaccine technology with the world:…

In a global pandemic, no one is safe, until we are all safe.

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