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Apr 15, 2021, 163 tweets

BattCharts by #BattChat

Aggregating random battery charts, figures, and forecasts from across #batterytwitter

1. Li-ion vs SSB


2. Global gigafactory capacity

(VDE Renewables)

3. Cathode patent activity


4. Recycling by chemistry




6. Cell producers


7. Specific energy in academia


8. Cost declines


9. Solid state roadmap


10. EV charging rates


11. Top patent applicants


12. Cathode chemistries


13. Supply chain representation


14. Nickel demand


15. Chemistry forecast


16. Recycling capacity


17. Energy storage deployment


18. Li-ion build out


19. Lithium production vs demand


20. Supply chain participation


21. Material shopping routes


22. European gigafactories


23. Battery components


24. China LFP


25. Power vs energy


26. Value chain


27. European recyclers


28. Solid state cost savings


29. Market share scenarios


30. Commercial 18650s


31. QS timeline


32. LFP production expansion


33. Carbonate prices


34. Carbonate price forecast


35. New friends


36. Gigafactory forecasts


37. Li-S cost


38. Production chain

(MEET Battery Research Center)

39. European recycling


40. Pack chemistries


41. Value add


42. Co and Li resources


43. Cobalt production


44. Solid state publications


45. Solid state comparison


46. Cell materials & manufacturing roadmap


47. Modules & pack roadmap


48. Grid storage chemistries


49. Raw material cost


50. Long duration storage


51. EV pack sizes


52. North American gigafactories


53. EV survey


54. OEM solid state timelines


55. Solid state forecast


56. Solid state step changes


57. Global EV stock


58. EV models


59. Heavy duty vehicles


60. Uses for lithium


61. Material demand growth


62. Material demand rise


63. Pack cost sensitivity


64. Cost projections


65. Patent filings per technology


66. Batteries installed


67. Focus areas


68. Unmet requirements


69. NMC811 comparison


70. Performance comparison


71. Material market projections


72. NMC811 costs


73. EV lifecycle emissions


74. Battery recycling sources


75. Cost of mass market Li-ion


76. Intercalation vs conversion


77. Cobalt prices


78. Pack content breakdown


79. OEM electrification


80. EV mineral usage


81. 2040 mineral demand growth


82. Spent Li-ion batteries


83. Recycled vs primary battery supply


84. EV life-cycle emissions


85. NMC622 emissions footprint


86. Mineral producing countries


87. Mining commitments vs demand forecast


88. EV battery capacities


89. EV auto industry


90. Battery and EV stock surge


91. US energy storage deployments


92. Top EV prices


93. Li-ion learning curve


94. EV fires


95. EV & battery price fall


96. Automakers and cell manufacturing


97. EV battery installations

(SNE Research)

98. US battery market


99. DoD vs capacity loss


100. 2020 EV forecasts from 2014


101. FCV vs BEV Sales


102. Electric flight


103. 2025 production capacity


104. Long duration characteristics


105. Cathode evolution


106. Geothermal brine Li extraction


107. US import reliance


108. EV cost parity


109. LiB production ramp up


110. 18650 vs 21700


111. Pouch vs prismatic vs cylindrical


112. Learning curves for large and small formats


113. Battery manufacturing


114. Published storage costs


115. LIB production process


116. Material cost breakdown


117. Cost vs Manufacturing


118. Li-ion roadmap


119. Natural vs synthetic graphite


120. Capacity retention


121. DC fast charging


122. Regional costs


123. Solid-state production changes


124. Li-metal timelines


125. Li-S targets


126. Expected developments


127. Costs vs Manufacturing


128. Efficiency in passenger EVs


129. More cost projections


130. Formation and aging


131. EV sales


132. Demand projections comparison


133. Cell manufacturing capacities


134. The supply chain


135. Why recycle Li


136. Gigafactory energy consumption


137. Reject rates


138. Power vs energy


139. Storage temperatures


140. North America


141. Cell formats


142. Cathode types


143. Cell & pack energy densities


144. Historical capacity & manufacturing trends


145. EV battery recycling


146. Gigafactory chemistry mix


147. Chemical cost of energy storage

(Li2017 @Joule_CP)

148. Sodium-ion batteries

(Tapia-Ruiz2021 @NaNexgen)

149. Na-ion vs Li-ion


150. Energy storage vs duration


151. Battery manufacturing capacities


152. Value chain profitability


153. Batteries across electronics/EV/industrial sectors


154. History of Panasonic batteries


155. Deployed cells


156. Battery manufacturers


157. Historical specific energy development


158. Active material performance targets


159. Pack vs cell


160. Energy storage landscape


161. Global production capacity


162. Raw material requirements for energy technologies


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