Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

Apr 15, 2021, 10 tweets

Today Thursday, 15th April 2021, Governor of Lagos State, Mr @jidesanwoolu performed the Groundbreaking Ceremony and commencement of Civil Works for the Lagos Rail Mass Transit (LRMT) Red Line Project.


@followlasg @cenbank @ChibuikeAmaechi

The Red Line Rail Project is a 37km rail route from Marina to Agbado to be implemented in Phases, First Phase will be from Oyingbo to Agbado, to share tracks with NRC on the Lagos Ibadan Rail.


On the completion of the Phase1 of the project, It is expected to run 37 trips daily which is about 450,000 passengers Daily, The NRC will also run a maximum of 16hours a day between Lagos and Ibadan.

@jidesanwoolu @ChibuikeAmaechi

To ensure Safety for Lagosians, There are 10 vehicular overpasses and pedestrian bridges for proposed for this rail line to separate vehicular & pedestrian movements from train movements.

Lagos State will construct four vehicular overpasses and pedestrian bridges in Mushin, Ikeja, Yaba and Oyingbo.

@MetroLagos @jidesanwoolu

The Lagos State Government has evaluated all properties affected including Landlords and tenants which is a Total of 263 properties have been identified and Governor @jidesanwoolu presented their Chequers to some of them today.

@MetroLagos @drobafemihamzat

The Red Line Rail will cut down travel time and in turn improve the productive capacity of the economy and also ensure safety from any form of accident and danger.

@MetroLagos @jidesanwoolu

The Completion time for the Red Line would be the fourth Quarter of 2022 together with the Ongoing Blue Line Rail.

The Ongoing BLUE LINE Rail (Okoko-Marina) is currently at 78% Civil Works and would be completed also by the fourth Quarter of 2022

@jidesanwoolu @gbenga_omo

The implementation of the Red line project has become very elevated because of the financing package put in place for it by the State Government through the Central Bank Nigeria (@cenbank) Differentiated Cash Reserve Requirement (DCRR) programme.


Governor @jidesanwoolu says work is going on simultaneously on bringing the first phase of the Blue Line to passenger operation, to be in operation by the fourth quarter of 2022.

@MetroLagos @gboyegaakosile

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