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Apr 15, 2021, 7 tweets


Keith Ware from Denver, Colorado, looms large in the 1st Infantry Division Vietnam War history.

Keith's story, however, is inspirational beyond his Vietnam service with the Big Red One.

It starts with the WWII draft.

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In 1941, at age 25, Keith was drafted into the Army to fight in Europe. In years, he rose to become a Lieutenant Colonel and by 1944 he was given command of a battalion in the @3rd_Infantry.

Keith was a fighting commander: out front with the boys, leading on patrols.

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On the day after Christmas, 1944, Keith was wounded while leading an attack on a German machine gun position in Sigolsheim, France, an action for which he was awarded the Medal of Honor.

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Unlike most draftees, Ware remained in the Army after demobilization, becoming a career soldier. He was the first American WWII draftee to become a General Officer.

During the US escalation in Vietnam, General Ware volunteered to lead troops in that war.

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After serving as a deputy commander for a field HQ for a few months, Gen. Ware was selected to lead the 1st Infantry Division in March, 1968.

On Sep 13, 1968, Keith was killed near the Cambodian Border while commanding the Big Red One during the Battle of Lộc Ninh.

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Keith Ware, 52 at the time of his death, was the first American General killed in action in the Vietnam War.

Keith is the only Medal of Honor recipient since World War I killed in action in a subsequent war.


A WWII draftee who rose to become one of the Army's most respected Generals, Keith Ware is a legendary figure within the legacy of the 1st Infantry Division.

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