Aamer Anwar✊🏾🏳️‍🌈#BlackLivesMatter Profile picture
Defence & Public Inquiry Solicitor,Media,Lawyer to Scottish #COVID19 Bereaved Families,former Rector Glasgow Uni & Dad to❤️❤️❤️01414297090 office@aameranwar.com

Apr 15, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ 10👇🏽This ‘hysterical’ letter by HQ of President Czech Republic, claims Kudela’s UEFA’s tokenistic 10-game ban by @UEFA for racism against @GlenKamara4 was “just to fulfill the perverted expectations of a small group of activists.” Translation👇🏽hrad.cz/cs/pro-media/t…

2/10 The statement is deeply offensive, smacks of racism, perpetuates untruths & looks more like a diatribe by the far-right, it is also insulting & demeaning to the office of the President & the Czech people that this has been put out publicly-

3/10 This letter at times borders on insanity, I’d strongly urge the President to disassociate himself from this ‘rabid’ statement that contradicts & conflicts with the apology issued by Slavia Prague, it will only succeed in inciting more racists to come out of their sewers

4/10 The President’s official appears to have lost his grip on reality here👇🏽

5/10 The idea that the @UEFA sanctions over racism against Kudela are the result of a ‘perverted group of activists’ is incredibly dangerous & looks more like far-right propaganda

6/10 The racism was investigated & proven, for Czech Republic to maintain the denial perpetuates lies, but more worryingly it creates a climate of fear within their own country, meaning people of colour and the Roma community will know the consequence of daring to call out racism

7/10 When we want to kick racism out of football, it is not empty phrases but reflects the violence & hatred that people of colour face, even whilst playing the beautiful game of football - shame on you & on your denial of the need to kick racism out of football

8/10 This is a type of dog-whistle racism blames the victim rather than the perpetrator, if this is your attitude I fear for the well-being and safety of black players in the Czech Republic who might ever want to call out racism, never mind in the wider community

9/10 The Czech President should issue an immediate apology & dismiss both this official & withdraw this abhorrent diatribe issued in his name and that of the Czech people

10/10 This statement is beneath contempt & at a time we are appealing to Slavia Prague to publicly call out the racism of their fans to @GlenKamara4 this shameful letter can only incite further hate #ShowRacismTheRedCard

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