Aaron Maté Profile picture
Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Apr 15, 2021, 8 tweets

If you need any more proof that the @OPCW censored its Syria chemical weapons probe & covered it up, watch what unfolded at @Europarl_EN today.

OPCW chief Fernando Arias was asked critical questions, including whether he will meet the dissenting investigators. He didn't answer.

.@wallacemick of Ireland asked OPCW chief Arias whether he will account for the scientific fraud in the Douma investigation and why he's refused to meet the dissenting inspectors. Wallace was interrupted by the chair, and Arias refused to answer:

.@ClareDalyMEP of Ireland also asked OPCW chief Fernando Arias if he will meet with the dissenting inspectors who carried out the Douma investigation.

She raises a very key point: if the OPCW has nothing to hide and stand by its claims, why won't it meet its own scientists?

Here's Arias' response.

He never *addresses* the most basic: will you meet the dissenting inspectors? He just declares: "The matter is closed." Right: it's a cover-up.

He also recycles a lie laundered to @bellingcat & @chloehadj: that no state challenged the report's findings.

To try to whitewash his own organization's cover-up, OPCW chief Arias then cites a UN report released months earlier that conducted no on the ground investigation & relied on media accounts. Why isn't he citing his own org's report? Because it's fraudulent.

OPCW chief Fernando Arias then gets even more laughable -- citing a September 2017 report written months *before* the alleged Douma incident.

Arias closes by saying "I don't know why" the OPCW's final Douma report "was contested."

He's lying. If he's somehow managed to ignore the OPCW leaks, he did not ignore the detailed letter that he received from a dissenting inspector. We know that because Arias responded to it.

Here is my @TheGrayzoneNews article which revealed the detailed letter of complaint that dissenting inspector Brendan Whelan sent to Arias two years ago: thegrayzone.com/2020/10/28/dra…

Arias' brief & evasive June 2019 reply is included too. He's now pretending that this didn't happen:

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