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Apr 16, 2021, 7 tweets

When animal welfare officers in the Polish city of Krakow were called out to a sighting of an unusual animal squatting in a residential area, their initial reaction was this must be a late April Fool's joke.…

Earlier this week, authorities in Krakow said in a Facebook post that a woman called them to report a creature sitting in the tree across from her house.

"People aren't opening their windows because they're afraid it will go into their house," the woman added.

When the officers arrived, the beast wasn't a bird of prey as they hypothesised, but... a croissant.

In a lighthearted account of events, the officer, who calls himself "Inspector Adam", describes how the caller insisted the animal was not a large bird, going on to suggest it could be an iguana.

After a short search, the officers spot the "brown creature sitting on a lilac branch" with its "brown coat shining in the sun." The mysterious "animal" was in fact a flaky pastry.

The authority's jokey post was followed with a more serious message in which they advised the public to always report animal sightings they are concerned about if they are in doubt.

Animal welfare officers said they were "almost swept off their feet by a laughing attack" when they realised the ‘animal’ was a croissant. Read the full story 👇…

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