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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Apr 16, 2021, 11 tweets

Portland Police shot a man in Lents Park just after 9:30am

This is a developing story:…

About 70 protestors are outside the caution tape

chanting to police “every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground”

Portland police announce that everyone must leave the area to the south, or force will be used, including impact munitions

Portland police are making announcing front their squad car, and now the LRAD has just arrived

“Leave the area, or be subject to arrest or use of force including impact munitions, and riot control agents”

Demetria Hester is leading “Black Lives Matter” chants

Demetria Hester asks Portland police officers if they think their mother is proud of them

Portland police announce to protesters “this is an active crime scene, do not advance towards officers”

They give use of force warning

Portland police put out a release:

“Precinct officers responded to a call at Lents Park of an adult white male pointing a gun”

“During the encounter, less lethal 40 mm and lethal rounds were deployed. Two officers deployed 40 mm rounds and one officer used lethal force. “

Police just pepper sprayed a protester,

Riots vans have arrived on the scene

Portland Police leave the area and shoot impact munitions at protesters as they retreat

They also use smoke canisters and flash bangs on the crowd

Protestors are now filling the intersection at the park and closing off the street as a protest

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