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Apr 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Today seems like a good day to do another case study. A Twitter user pointed out this acct to me.

Typically, when I find anonymous accts that are trying to baselessly smear various Americans like John Cusack or Jane Fonda by calling them pedos, such accts are pro-Kremlin.


And while some may be inclined to focus on the MAGA costume, sometimes it is just a costume. They may tepidly support someone like Trump due to the damage he causes to the West, rather than any other reason.

America ain't rootin for Putin, troll.


Of course, this acct has promoted QAnon. Very unsurprising.


And this acct has targeted McCain. While certain people may not agree with McCain, there's a different reason for a particular type of troll to target McCain. He was one of the few who understood what Putin was up to and who took it seriously years ago.


And how could I go without mentioning that this acct was promoted by the Internet Research Agency's trolls, almost as if this acct is one of theirs or something. 🤔


The problem, I fear, is that we have yet to take these trolls as seriously as we should. It seems that people may falsely believe that Twitter has taken care of the problem. Unfortunately, ban evasion is all too easy. It's routine.

Influencers should take this problem seriously.

Note: the folks who spotted this acct and its smear campaign initially were @MarinaGipps and @TAPSTRIMEDIA.

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