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Apr 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Matt Gaetz is currently being investigated by the House Ethics Committee, over allegations of sexual misconduct and drug use.

Insider spoke to 21 of Gaetz’s high-school classmates, some of whom said they could have predicted these sex scandals. 👇…

Erin Scot was at a friend's wedding rehearsal dinner in 2009 when her old pal from high school Matt Gaetz showed a group of friends a picture of a woman. It was like a "night vision" picture, and Scot said it was clear that Gaetz was bragging about his relationship with her.

Gaetz wasn't one of the "cool" kids at Niceville High School, which alumni described as a cliquey school, his former classmates said. They said he mostly hung out with the debate crowd.…

Gaetz often talked about wealth and social status, too, according to his former classmates. He once bragged that he had a friend whose family was so wealthy that the friend used the seatbelt from his dad's old private jet as a belt for his pants, a debate teammate said.

Some of Gaetz's high-school classmates also knew him from middle school. When he was an eighth grader at C.W. Ruckel Middle School, he sparred with a teacher, Catherine Burton, over the definition of "archipelago," said Jessica Miranda, Gaetz's middle- and high-school classmate.

Scot said she wanted to make it clear she's not publicly sharing her concerns about Gaetz because she revels in his misery. She's had the same opinion about him for more than a decade, long before he'd end up facing serious legal jeopardy.

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