Aaron Maté Profile picture
Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Apr 16, 2021, 7 tweets

.@IgnatiusPost reports that Kash Patel -- a former senior US official & House Intel staffer who helped expose intelligence malpractice in the Russiagate probe -- is now facing DOJ investigation for "possible improper disclosure of classified information." washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…

Nature of the probe is unclear. Given the serious intel malfeasance & major evidentiary holes that Patel helped expose in the Trump-Russia probe, I have to wonder if this politically motivated retaliation. It's curious that there are no details on what he's being eyed for.

As WP article notes, Patel did a rare, extensive interview with me this year about his work investigating Russiagate.

Video/transcript here here: (thegrayzone.com/2021/02/23/hid…)

And my article on it here:

Just to stress that this could be political retaliation for Patel exposing US intelligence misconduct: "the investigation resulted from a complaint made this year by an intelligence agency."

And now someone is leaking that, i.e. doing what they suggest Patel may have done.

Kash Patel & Devin Nunes were once roundly attacked for their scrutiny of the Trump-Russia probe. Then in December 2019, the DOJ Inspector General validated their work. As @IgnatiusPost post writes, Patel "hit pay dirt" -- and likely angered some powerful people.

.@IgnatiusPost has new details on the standoff over declassifying key Russiagate documents that Patel & I discussed in our interview. Patel & colleagues wanted to release more docs that showed "significant tradecraft failings." Per Ignatius, AG Barr *opposed* declassification.

Hoping @IgnatiusPost can clarify: is there an open DOJ probe of Patel, or is it just under discussion?

To me, verbiage here leaves open that it could be the latter. Patel "facing Justice Department investigation" is different than "under Justice Department investigation."

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