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Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Apr 17, 2021, 13 tweets

A vigil for Adam Toledo in downtown Portland.

Demetria Hester and other Black Femmes are leading this event

There’s about 100 people listening to speeches on how to help Black people and dismantle white supremacy

Demetria Hester tries to motivate a crowd to fight for Black Lives

Demetria Hester “you say your here for us, show it, because we’re still dying”

Demetria Hester announces she will be marching in Washington D.C. on the 24th to demand justice or “shut it down”

Speeches end with fist in the air and chants of “power to the people”

Marches will begin soon

Black Lives Matter protestors are marching on the Hawthorne bridge

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter demonstrators are marching on the Hawthorne bridge in Portland, Oregon

Hundreds of Black Lives Matter demonstrators are marching on the Hawthorne bridge

Demetria Hester leads a chant “If we don’t get it, shut it down”

Demonstrators are holding candles and chanting “black lives matter”

ACLU observers walk alongside Black Lives Matters demonstrators

75% white
13% Hispanic or Latino/a/x
5% Asian
2% Black…

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