Sergio Olmos Profile picture
Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Apr 17, 2021, 9 tweets

Abolition protestors, advocating for a society without police or prisons, held a “direct action” in downtown Portland.

They smashed windows of businesses and banks

They believe prisons and police are tools of oppression to uphold capitalism and white supremacy, not justice

Police make a surprise arrest, an officer pretends to talk to the riot van and grabs a man standing in the street

Portland police are holding the intersection near justice center

Police are arresting some protestors, a crowd of about 70 protesters are around the police heckling them

Police are making announcements for protestors to get out of the roadway

Police move away from the intersection

Protestors graffitied some of downtown

Abolition protestors broke windows of the Oregon historical society

“No more history”

Police move in to allow fire to move to extinguish a flame

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