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Listening not to me but rather to the logos it is wise to agree that all things are one.

Apr 17, 2021, 5 tweets

1/ The Biden administration didn't go further than SSCI. SSCI "found that Konstantin Kilimnik is a Russian intelligence officer", thus Manafort would've been sharing polling data directly with Russian intelligence. The FBI/Mueller only saw "ties" between Kilimnik and RIS.

2/ SSCI also assessed that Deripaska deputy Viktor Boyarkin was a GRU officer who Kilimnik told Manafort he had been "sending everything to" for Deripaska. Rick Gates thought Kilimnik would share the polling data with Deripaska (via Boyarkin), but SSCI had no evidence of this.

3/ Mueller referred to Boyarkin just as "Deripaska's deputy" and had no insight into what happened with the polling data after it was sent to Kilimnik. Gates explained that Manafort was sharing the polling data with Deripaska to thwart a lawsuit.

4/ Given the @USTreasury provided no new evidence of Kilimnik passing polling data to RIS, assume that Biden is adopting Mueller's view that Kilimnik is tied to RIS and taking Gates's word that he was passing the data to SSCI's GRU officer Viktor Boyarkin.…

5/ We still haven't seen any evidence that Kilimnik or Boyarkin are Russian intelligence officers, however we do know that Kilimnik was a State Department source for Alan Purcell, Alexander Kasanoff, and Eric Schultz. I'd take salt with this entire story.…

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