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I watch and read the 🇭🇰 news so you don't have to. Subscribe to the Tripperhead Gazette for all the latest HK news: https://t.co/ghVTw00Xhf

Apr 18, 2021, 8 tweets

47 passengers on Vistara flight UK6395 from New Delhi to Hong Kong on April 4th have now tested positive for COVID-19.

22 more passengers tested positive today after their Day 12 hotel quarantine test.

Vistara operated an Airbus A321-251NX (Neo) registration VT-TVA into Hong Kong that day.

Maximum seating capacity:
Business Class 12
Premium Economy24
Economy Class 152

Total: 188 seats.

Here is the full seating list of all 47 passengers on flight UK6395 that have tested positive for COVID-19 in Hong Kong.

This is the largest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases arriving on one flight into Hong Kong, surpassing Emirates EK380 on June 20th, 2020. 27 cases were confirmed on that flight.

Of the 39 cases found in hotel quarantine, they breakdown thusly:

Two more COVID-19 cases added today (including one positive for the N501Y mutation).

Total COVID-19 cases from Vistara UK6395 arriving in Hong Kong April 4th: 49

(case number, seat number, quarantine hotel and age of the 49 confirmed cases)

One more case added today.

CHP reports the total number of cases from Vistara UK6395 stands at 53.

(I can only find details on 50 of them at moment from the CHP files - those cases are attached)

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