Aaron Maté Profile picture
Journalist w/ @TheGrayzoneNews / Writing: https://t.co/y3NxUhLQQm / Co-host: @UsefulIdiotpod. Email: aaronmate@protonmail.com

Apr 18, 2021, 8 tweets

On Friday, I spoke to the UN Security Council about the OPCW's Syria cover-up.

I gave a presentation debunking the OPCW's key lies about the scandal, & confronted the US & UK about their obstructive role.

Full video: via @TheGrayzoneNews @PushbackShow

I opened with a summary of the OPCW's Syria scandal: OPCW inspectors found no evidence of a Syrian government chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma in April 2018. But their findings were doctored and suppressed, and the entire team was sidelined:

On top of the censorship, a US delegation pressured the Douma team to back US claims of a chemical attack (its pretext for bombing Syria in April 2018).

OPCW has since attacked the dissenters; & US-UK state-funded media actors Bellingcat & BBC have been leaked disinformation:

The OPCW has said very little to explain its refusal to address the Douma cover-up. I gave a visual presentation debunking one of its few claimed excuses: that "most of the analytical work took place" in the "last six months" of the Douma investigation. That's demonstrably false.

I also addressed a new excuse from OPCW chief Fernando Arias. He now claims that "I don't know why" the OPCW's final Douma report "was contested."

That's also demonstrably false, by Arias' own prior statements:

At the UN meeting, Amb. Mills of @USUN & @AmbassadorAllen of UK dismissed the OPCW scandal as disinformation.

If they are so confident in that, I asked if they'll back a proposal to let the OPCW's Scientific Advisory Board assess the issue on its merits:

.@USUN, @AmbassadorAllen of UK and others did not challenge a single fact about the Douma cover-up.

They instead raised side issues, e.g. Navalny, Ukraine, & OPCW IIT's new Saraqib probe. I noted that by OPCW's own standards, the Saraqib probe is compromised too:

I also noted the obvious: by censoring the OPCW's investigation, OPCW leadership & powerful states are denying justice to the Douma victims.

You can't claim to care about the Douma victims while censoring the probe into their murder. That's a cover-up.

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