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Apr 18, 2021, 13 tweets

this is going to be the start of a very rambling thread as I try to make sense of JJK 145-146, Kenjaku's plans, the significance of 彼岸 / the act of crossing to "the other side", how it ties into even more Buddhism, and how all this ties in with the Culling Game #呪術バレ

gonna gloss over Kenjaku's plans bc I don't mind the details about the *what* as much as I do the *how* (for now)

Tengen states Kenjaku's goal is to have humankind evolve through the Culling Game, reach a higher state of being (similar to Tengen?), merge with Tengen #呪術バレ

if humankind were to evolve, they wouldn't have the ability to maintain their physical forms or self-control the way Tengen does because they don't possess his barrier cursed techniques. their souls would simply become one with the world with no boundaries between them #呪術バレ

Evolved Humankind would then merge with Tengen, whose existence is already a part of the world itself now.

Kenjaku's ultimate goal (?): to consume Evolved Tengen+Humankind and have control over Tengen's barrier cursed technique, thus omnipotence over the entire world #呪術バレ

the massive consequence/risk of this would also be that if just one of those human souls (who are now jujutsu sorcerers, capable of becoming cursed spirits), becomes tainted with malevolence or evil, the whole world could be affected if they're all One Merged Being now #呪術バレ

okay now onto the "other side" business

Tengen states the 10 colonies (barriers) in which the Culling Game takes place are connected together to form a boundary—a line that would send the people in Japan to "the other side" / higan / 彼岸 #呪術バレ

is it literally, figuratively, or both...?

in Buddhism in Japan, 彼岸 / higan refers to "the other shore"—the land of enlightenment. Higan is also a period during autumn equinox when people hold Buddhist memorial services for their ancestors to help them reach "the other side"

彼岸へと渡す / to cross to the other side / to cross over into the next world

somehow, Kenjaku's barriers will use the cursed energy from the Culling Game participants + the boundaries that connect all 10 barriers, to pass over everyone in Japan. why is that important? #呪術バレ

from JJK chapter 56 / anime episode 22: the act of crossing a river or a boundary to "the other side" (the very same 彼岸へと渡す, acts symbolizing crossing into the next life) has great significance in jujutsu


when Yuuji, Megumi, and Nobara crossed over that boundary, they triggered or sparked *something* (cursed energy?) to enter a special-grade domain

imagine what would happen if 100 million people in Japan also crossed over a boundary to the other side at the same time #呪術バレ

very insidious how Kenjaku (羂索, named after a divine Buddhist being regarded as the guide to humanity's salvation) is using Geto's body to "save humanity" by making them evolve (achieve enlightenment) and cross over to the other side...as a way to take over the world? #呪術バレ

anyway congrats to Akutami Gege-sensei for being a chaotic mastermind and integrating all these Buddhist concepts into his story so terrifyingly lmao

(also if none of this thread made sense, I'm sorry lmao I tried my best.

talking/typing it all out helps me make sense of things but if it only makes sense to me, I wouldn't be surprised lol)

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