Adam Wagner Profile picture
Barrister @DoughtyStreet. Chair @EachOtherUK. Visiting Prof @GoldsmithsUoL. Author #EmergencyState. Views my own not of Doughty Street Chambers.

Apr 20, 2021, 8 tweets

Covid: Police watchdog says officers confused by unclear pandemic laws - BBC News…

“Some forces expressed concern that they first heard of certain changes at the 5pm daily televised government briefing”

“widespread confusion in relation to the status of Government announcements and statements by ministers.”

“It is not the function of the police to treat government guidance, however well-intentioned (as it undoubtedly was), as rules of the criminal law”

Weird that they don’t include the more recent data which shows between 20 and 25% of Covid regulations cases have been wrongly charged

“It is essential that the police are seen to be enforcing the criminal law, and not appearing to act as the coercive agents of ministers”

Fixed penalty notices issued per million population

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