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Official Government of India updates on #COVID19 by @MIB_India.

Apr 20, 2021, 7 tweets


India's Cumulative Vaccination Coverage exceeds 12.71 Crores (12,71,29,113).

More than 32 lakh (32,76,555) vaccination doses administered in the last 24 hours.

#Unite2FightCorona #LargestVaccinationDrive



Eight states account for 59.33% of the total doses given so far in the country.

#Unite2FightCorona #LargestVaccinationDrive



10 States show an Upward Trajectory of Daily New Cases; account for 77.67% of the new cases registered in the last 24 hours (2,59,170).

#Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe



Twenty states are displaying an upward trajectory in daily new cases.

#Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe



India’s total Active Caseload reached 20,31,977 today; comprises 13.26% of the total Positive Cases.

A net incline of 1,02,648 cases recorded from the total active caseload the last 24 hours.

5 States account for 62.07% of India's total Active Cases.



The daily positivity rate (7 day moving average) currently stands at 15.99%.

#Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe



The National Mortality Rate has been falling and currently stands at 1.18%.

1,761 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours.

Ten States account for 82.74% of the new deaths.

#Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe

Details: pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa…

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