Céline Gounder, MD, ScM, FIDSA Profile picture
Medicine / Infectious Disease / Epidemiology / @KFF @CBSNews @NYUGrossman @BellevueHosp doc / Threads @drcelinegounder / Bluesky @celinegounder.com

Apr 20, 2021, 15 tweets

1/ Just released:
Survey data from @FrankLuntz, @BrianCCastrucci, and the @deBeaumontFndtn on J&J vaccine pause.

Here’s a quick summary according to partisan affiliation.

Biden voters slightly more likely and Trump voters slightly less likely to get COVID vaccine.

2/ Biden voters are evenly split and Trump voters are slightly less concerned about getting a blood clot from a COVID vaccine.

3/ Almost everyone who's already been vaccinated would do it again:

4/ Proportion of those not wanting to get vaccinated is still about what we've seen in other surveys (~20%):

5/ Most Americans believe COVID vaccination will save lives, and people should get vaccinated as soon as possible.

6/ There may be some loss of confidence in the J&J vaccine specifically, but still high confidence in the other COVID vaccines.

7/ The following statement was most reassuring to Trump voters that the J&J vaccine is safe:

These events are extremely rare. The chance of being struck by lightning is literally twice that of getting a blood clot from the J&J COVID vaccine.

8/ The following statement was most reassuring to Biden voters that the J&J vaccine is safe:

Safety monitoring is working, and the government is prioritizing the safety of Americans. The safety monitoring system for vaccines identified the issue as soon as it arose...

9/ ...and this was shared with the public transparently, showing a commitment to safety.

10/ Trump voters were most likely to be reassured that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines are safe by the statement:

95% of the COVID vaccines administered so far have been Pfizer and Moderna, with no reported serious side-effects.

11/ Biden voters were most likely to be reassured that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines are safe by the statement:

Over 113M people have gotten at least one shot of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, with no reported serious side effects.

12/ Personal doctors remain the most trusted messengers on whether or not to get the COVID vaccine:

13/ “Americans recognize the J&J vaccine pause for what it is--a clear sign that our safety protocols are working the way they’re supposed to,” said @BrianCCastrucci.
“Government officials must continue to be transparent and to use clear, consistent language about the vaccines.”

14/ “The communication efforts, for the most part, are working,” @FrankLuntz said. “But to reach the more hesitant populations, it’s going to take doctors and public health leaders, not politicians.”

15/ "There are still meaningful, measurable differences between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to their acceptance of COVID vaccines,” @FrankLuntz said. “The good news is that the partisan gap is decreasing and overall vaccine confidence is rising.”

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