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Apr 21, 2021, 5 tweets

Francois Mayor nudged back on the power and made a subtle adjustment on the wheel as he coaxed his cargo vessel through a narrow point in the Suez Canal — not the Egyptian one, but a replica in the middle of a French forest 1/5

This stretch of water was built to train ship captains and maritime pilots how to navigate the Suez Canal — a skill now in the spotlight after the Ever Given cargo ship got wedged in the Egyptian waterway last month in high winds and a sandstorm 2/5

The channel is built to one twenty-fifth the scale of a section of the real Suez Canal. Trainees have to steer through scale models of massive container ships without getting stuck 3/5

During training on the mini-Suez Canal, instructors simulate steering problems and engine outages to see how the trainees react 4/5

Located in the foothills of the Alps, The Port Revel facility is designed to replicate some of the trickiest spots in global shipping. Read more 👉 5/5

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