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Apr 21, 2021, 15 tweets

At hawthorn elementary school in Beverly Hills, where a small group of anti-maskers has gathered with signs and flyers to protest public safety measures. They are telling passing children not to wear masks.

Anti-maskers are handing out cards and flyers to kids. A few students have crumpled up the flyer.

An administrator asks the group why they’re not at the Department of Public Health. “To big for you?”

Staff worked to keep the students away from the protesters as much as possible, as seen here where a staff member pulls a kid away from the group.

Shiva Bagheri, who organized the protest, argues with a kid who tells her that masks work. “You think it does because they told you that,’s called propaganda.”

In response, the child sticks his tongue out at her.

One parent expresses solidarity with the protesters before a child pulls her away.

A protester tells parents to sue the school for requiring masks—a County Public Health guideline—because “only a person with a medical license can practice medicine” and masks, she says, are “a medical device.”

An administrator tells a protester that the kids are doing fine. The anti-masker says that it’s “awkward being a kid anyway.”

The protesters have left the school and taken up residence on Santa Monica Blvd (across from my office).

A photo from the event. An anti-mask protester tries to hand out what appears to be a business card to an elementary student.

Here is what anti-mask protesters were handing out today at an elementary school. It’s a list of “physiological and psychological effects” of masks, including:

- fear
- cancer
- accelerated aging process

Correction: the man identified as an administrator is actually Dr. Michael Bregy, Superintendent of Schools for Beverly Hills Unified School District.

Please excuse me while I quit my job. 😬

Correction, the sequel: Hawthorne Elementary School is spelled with an e at the end.

Pardon me while I find a new career. 💀

Update: A lot of people have asked about law enforcement’s role yesterday. BHPD was on the scene and monitoring the situation from a distance. They didn’t issue any mask citations, though Shiva Bagheri has already racked up multiple citations totaling at least $800.

I’m told that BHPD will be on scene again today as a precaution, though no protests are planned that I’m aware of.

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