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Apr 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Speak of the devil. Guess who's currently recovering from food poisoning? 😜👈

Pocari is truly the nectar of the gods when you're dehydrated

The holy trinity of Asian convalescence foods 💪🏥👍

(I can already feel my strength returning!)

Rice porridge (稀飯) with a little soy sauce and pork floss (dried sweetened pork--it's SO GOOD). A Sinospheric classic for when you're ailing. I can't keep down regular foods right now, but I wolfed down a whole big bowl of this stuff!

Whenever I have plain rice porridge it always takes me back to sick days in grade school. My mom would make a pot of this for me and let me watch TV all day (cartoons, The Price Is Right, Bob Ross, lots of PBS stuff and 70s sitcom reruns). The epitome of comfort food!

I had rousong (肉鬆) in a waffle sandwich a while back. It was AWESOME! "Pork floss" is basically the Sinospheric equivalent of bacon bits. It goes with everything!

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