Julian *two vaccine doses* Burton 🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Autopsies, Snr University Teacher, ACP Chair of Council. Autopsy author, Educationalist. Own views. T/RT are not medical advice. he/him Weekends=frivolities

Apr 23, 2021, 14 tweets

Today should be a good day. Will have to 'step out' to deliver some teaching, but much of the day will be spent considering transition to med school in COVID times #MedSchoolTransitionCOVID that has been organised by Queen Mary University of London

Some thoughts to bear in mind...

Staff and students have different feelings about being in the classroom

Names are important to students as well as patients. (This should not be a surprise!!)

And, again not surprisingly, it is important to remember that students (and staff - works both ways) are people, not objects.

And of course, passion about what you are teaching is important. Tutor passion/enthusiasm is infectious. (Equally, so is tutor apathy.). We also need to meet students where they are (in their learning) by being authentic and human.

That bit about not knowing is OK is important. It is ok for both staff and students not to know the answer to something. We are all human, and we all have limits/holes in our knowledge. (And some questions don't have answers yet.)

Of course, have fun! If you enjoy your teaching, students are more likely to enjoy and engage with learning.

Self care is important for staff and students and we are a team.

Some useful resources here: performingmedicine.com/our-offer/reso…

Not surprising, not all students have had equal prior opportunities...

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