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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

Apr 23, 2021, 17 tweets

new pickup! an NEC MultiSync (the original) it is very dirty 😂

made in 1986!

on the left is the my existing monitor with the stand i 3D printed. i made the design with only a few grainy pictures of the real stand for reference. not too shabby!

the inside doesn't look too bad.

well look at that, it works! the strange warping effect is a camera shutter artifact.

only thing broken is this switch on the back. 🤔

argh, I have a replacement but it is vertical, not right angle.

i mean this is a bit disappointing but also i am amazed i have a switch that is this close 🤏

well, think I'll spend some time digging into this.

this is an odd component. it looks like a diode array.

yup, broken

it's a 4-pole double throw switch.

3D printed a replacement lever

let's see how well this holds up

there. not half bad.

I spent an hour cleaning the case before I put this back together. here's what the switch looks like now.

looking good

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